Manejo de la LMC
Aprenda lo que necesita saber sobre vivir con leucemia mieloide crónica
Managing CML
Learn what you need to know about living with CML
Managing CML
Learn what you need to know
about living with CML
Los artículos sobre CML Life se crearon en colaboración con varias organizaciones de apoyo al paciente, así como con expertos profesionales en el tratamiento de la leucemia mieloide crónica.
What causes CML?
CML is the result of a change that occurs in our DNA—the chemical that carries our genes.
How to explain CML to a child
As your CML progresses, you may find that fatigue or breathlessness st…
Being a carer with CML
Living with chronic myeloid leukaemia (CML) has impacts beyond your own health...