
CML AN Cookie Policy
In operating our websites we gather and store certain information about you and your preferences mostly to make our websites work the way you expect them to. We do this through the use of cookies placed on the device you use to visit our websites. This Cookie Policy provides you with an understanding of our implementation of such cookies, how they improve your online experience, and your options related to their use.
You can learn more about the cookies used by our websites and amend your cookie selection by clicking the link to the Preference Center (or “Cookie Settings”) in the cookie banner at the top of our respective websites at any time.
- General information
This Cookie Policy applies to the resources, content, products and services (hereinafter, “Services”) that may be offered on websites operated by, or on behalf of, CML AN or its affiliates (collectively, “CML AN”). This Cookie Policy is intended to explain to you how we at CML AN(acting as the data controller) use and manages cookies when you use our websites or Services. The Cookie Policy can be accessed from any page of a CML AN website.
Our websites that use cookies will have a cookie banner prominently displayed on each respective website that allows you to learn more through the Preference Center about the cookies used by that website, their intended purpose(s) and duration prior to deciding whether to accept or reject these cookies. Google Analytics will not be installed if you continue browsing or close this window without making any choice.
- What is a cookie?
A cookie is a small set of code, generally identified by a name, that may be sent to your browser by a website that distinguishes you from other website visitors. Your browser will retain it for a certain period of time and will send it back to the website each time you return to it. Cookies have multiple uses. Examples of how they may be used include saving your user name on a website where you have registered, saving your language settings (as may be applicable depending upon your location and preferences), the tracking of your browsing activities for statistical analytics, or providing content that is of interest to you.
- What types of cookies do our websites use and how long are they retained?
There are various types of cookies that maybe used by any CML AN website as shown below. Cookies can be “first party” meaning they are set by us. Cookies may also be placed on your device by another entity and these are called “third-party” cookies.
Ein Cookie ist ein kleines Datenpaket (Textdatei), das Ihr Browser auf Anweisung einer besuchten Website auf Ihrem Gerät speichert, um sich Informationen über Sie zu „merken“, wie etwa Ihre Spracheinstellungen oder Anmeldeinformationen. Diese Cookies werden von uns gesetzt und als Erstanbieter-Cookies bezeichnet. Wir verwenden auch Drittanbieter-Cookies, welche von einer anderen Domäne als die der von Ihnen besuchten Website stammen. Wie verwenden diese Cookies zur Unterstützung unserer Werbe- und Marketingmaßnahmen. Insbesondere verwenden wir Cookies und andere Tracker-Technologien für die folgenden Zwecke:
Diese Cookies ermöglichen es uns, Besuche und Verkehrsquellen zu zählen, damit wir die Leistung unserer Website messen und verbessern können. Sie unterstützen uns bei der Beantwortung der Fragen, welche Seiten am beliebtesten sind, welche am wenigsten genutzt werden und wie sich Besucher auf der Website bewegen. Alle von diesen Cookies erfassten Informationen werden aggregiert und sind deshalb anonym. Wenn Sie diese Cookies nicht zulassen, können wir nicht wissen, wann Sie unsere Website besucht haben.
Cookie-Untergruppe | Cookies | Verwendete Cookies | | Erstanbieter |
Unbedingt erforderliche Cookies
Diese Cookies sind zur Funktion der Website erforderlich und können in Ihren Systemen nicht deaktiviert werden. In der Regel werden diese Cookies nur als Reaktion auf von Ihnen getätigte Aktionen gesetzt, die einer Dienstanforderung entsprechen, wie etwa dem Festlegen Ihrer Datenschutzeinstellungen, dem Anmelden oder dem Ausfüllen von Formularen. Sie können Ihren Browser so einstellen, dass diese Cookies blockiert oder Sie über diese Cookies benachrichtigt werden. Einige Bereiche der Website funktionieren dann aber nicht. Diese Cookies speichern keine personenbezogenen Daten.
Cookie-Untergruppe | Cookies | Verwendete Cookies | | || |
Our websites may also use Google Analytics, an audience measurement tool, to statistically evaluate the Website’s performance (including number of hits, most frequently visited pages, average time spent on the Website, where the traffic is coming from, the geographical locations of users, etc.) The aggregated data from these cookies is accessible to us, as well as to service providers acting on our behalf. It is also accessible to Google, which acts as our data processor. More information about the use of Google Analytics by Google can be found here. Additionally, if you agree to accept certain Google Analytics cookies, your data will also be shared with and processed by Google acting as a separate data controller for its own purposes. For more information about Google’s use of your data, please see Google’s privacy policy and, in particular, how Google uses certain data collected when you use its partners’ sites or applications.
- How can I configure cookies?
CML AN websites that use cookies will have a cookie banner prominently displayed on each respective website that allows you to learn more through the Preference Center about the cookies used by that website their intended purpose(s) and duration prior to deciding whether to accept or reject these cookies. Google Analytics will not be installed if you continue browsing or close this window without making any choice.
You may withdraw your consent to the use of any cookies (save for strictly necessary cookies) directly at any time by going to the Preference Center in the cookie banner for respective CML AN website. Withdrawing your consent does not affect the legality of processing carried out previously. Your refusal or the withdrawal of your consent does not prevent you from using the websites.
You may prevent the use of all cookies (except for strictly necessary cookies) and delete them by changing your browser settings.
If you deactivate cookies, your user experience may be of lower quality. In particular, we cannot keep your preferences for audience measurement cookies for your subsequent visits to our websites. As a result, the next time you visit the website, the cookies banner will again appear.
You can further manage your privacy by reviewing your respective website browsers’ cookie settings.
- How is my personal information protected?
For more information on our approach to privacy and how we handle your personal information, and how you can exercise your data protection rights, please see our Privacy Policy.
- How is my personal information transferred?
Your personal information may be transferred outside your country of residence into countries (such as the United States) that do not guarantee the same level of data protection. In these cases, and where required, we use appropriate data transfer mechanisms as required by applicable personal information laws and regulations. For example, if you are a resident of the European Economic Area or United Kingdom, we will have standard contractual clauses and additional necessary measures in place to ensure the legality of such transfers.
In connection with the use of Google’s services, your data described above are hosted on Google’s servers located in the United States. If applicable (depending upon your location) your data is transferred with appropriate data transfer mechanisms and measures as required by applicable personal information laws and regulations.
Depending on your location, you may consult these mechanisms and guarantees by contacting us at the address provided below.
- Who can I contact?
If you have any questions, need more information, or wish to exercise your rights regarding your personal information, please contact CML AN Privacy Office at