by lawrence | Oct 5, 2022 | Lifestyle, Managing CML
Living with chronic myeloid leukaemia (CML) has impacts beyond your own health and wellbeing. Because treatment enables you to live an almost normal life, there’s a good chance you’ll also be responsible for caring for others in some capacity. That could mean caring...
by lawrence | Oct 4, 2022 | Lifestyle, Managing CML, News English
Your twenties are your formative years. The time when you are learning who you really are, and what you enjoy, establishing new friendships, and discovering what you really want from your life. Experiencing all your twenties have to offer can be really fun, but it can...
by lawrence | Oct 3, 2022 | News English, Uncategorised
CML Life, co-created by Incyte & the patient community, is becoming a CMLAN tool as of October 3rd, 2022. CML Life was developed to & will continue to support as many CML patients & caregivers as possible. CMLAN was an early supporter and contributor...
by lawrence | Sep 28, 2022 | Lifestyle, Managing CML, News English
The decision to embark upon further learning is really exciting and can be a little daunting. Whether you are heading off to university, undertaking vocational training, or finessing your skills through professional training or additional learning at work, it’s so...
by lawrence | May 29, 2022 | News Spanish
Si le han diagnosticado LMC recientemente, a veces puede ser difícil asimilar toda la información recibida. Se pueden usar términos médicos desconocidos que signifiquen más para su médico que para usted, por lo que al final es posible que no procese todo lo que se...