CML Life moves to CMLAN

CML Life moves to CMLAN

CML Life, co-created by Incyte & the patient community, is becoming a CMLAN tool as of October 3rd, 2022. CML Life was developed to & will continue to support as many CML patients & caregivers as possible. CMLAN was an early supporter and contributor...
Comprendere la LMC

Comprendere la LMC

Cos’è la Leucemia Mieloide Cronica?1 La Leucemia Mieloide Cronica (LMC) è una condizione in cui le cellule del midollo osseo che normalmente si sviluppano in globuli bianchi come neutrofili, basofili, eosinofili e monociti non si sviluppano correttamente e diventano...
World CML Day 2020

World CML Day 2020

In celebration of this year’s World CML Day, join us in support of the CML Patient Advocates’ Network campaign, “Today, together, more than ever. For a life without CML”, encouraging everyone in the CML community to come together and share their stories....